I have an
Alienware DHS-2 system, which runs
Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. Ever since the recent update rollups have started coming out I've had all sorts of stability issues with MCE. I looked at using
Vista in February - but it was WAY too early. So recently I thought of moving to a Linux/OpenSource Media Centre/HTPC alternative (like
And it's been a nightmare!
I've had all sorts of issues just getting Linux onto the DHS-2.
Fedora Core 5 - Installed, but wouldnt boot (hang at "starting udev")
Fedora Core 4 - Crashed during installation
KnoppMyth - Hung during CDrom boot
So I searched and found a BIOS update. The DHS-2 is based on an Intel D915POM motherboard, so from the
Intel website, I downloaded the latest BIOS. Now I have even more problems!
Fedora Core 5 - Wont install, crashes on DVDrom boot. (Kernel Panic)
So I've downloaded the Debian install DVD image, and I'm going to give that a try - but what a drama. I'm going to search everywhere to see if anyone else has got Linux running on a DHS-2 or any other PC with a D915POM motherboard. Why does Windows seem so simple alongside Linux?
Maybe I'll go back to Windows and try out:
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